16-18 year old Learner Support Fund

The 16-18 year old Learner Support Fund provides help to students who may find it difficult to attend Leicester College without financial support. The purpose of the fund is to help with travel to College, uniform/equipment, the material fee and for particular groups of students, a subsidised College meal.

The amount of money we have for the fund is limited and it is given out on a first come, first served basis. You should apply as soon as possible by completing a Learner Support Fund 16-18 years online application. We will then assess it to see if you are eligible to receive money from the Fund. We will write to you to let you know whether you will receive support or not.

Eligibility criteria

  • Aged at least 16 and under 19 on 31 August of the year your course starts

  • Students with Education Health Care Plan and aged 19 – 24 on 31 August of the academic year your course starts

  • Aged 19 or over on 31 August and continuing on a study programme which began when aged 16 -18

  • Enrolled on a publicly funded course at Leicester College

  • Meet the financial conditions gross household income below £33,000.

  • Meet the residency conditions.

To qualify for support you must meet the above criteria. The total amount that you and your parents/carers can earn each year is £33,000. If more is earned you will not be able to apply for help through the Learner Support Fund. If you are 16-18 and live away from your parents/carers only your income will be counted and the threshold for this is currently £22,308.

Types of Financial Support

  • Travel (for those that live 3 miles or more from the campus that they study at)

  • Essential uniform and equipment

  • Material fee (paid at enrolment)

  • Subsided meals at college. Eligibility for this part of the fund depends on the type of benefits you/your parent/carer receives (if any).

Financial help with Childcare is provided by a Government scheme called Care to Learn and must be applied for separately if you are under 20 years of age and have childcare responsibilities.

You must be enrolled on a course at Leicester College to receive the above funding.

16-18 Vulnerable Bursary

We also have a bursary for vulnerable 16-18 year olds. The following students are entitled to this fund:

  • Student who is currently under a Social Services care order

  • Student who has left Social Services care

  • Student in receipt of Income Support or Universal Credit in their own right

  • Student in receipt of Employment and Support Allowance and Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payment in their own right

This bursary is paid on a weekly basis to eligible students. It is paid directly into the student’s bank account and is subject to attendance on their course. The maximum amount of payment is £1200 over the academic year. Any award is discretionary and is dependent on financial need.

You don’t need to complete another application form to apply for the 16-18 Vulnerable Bursary – just complete the main online Learner Support Fund application and we will assess whether you are eligible to receive this additional payment.

16-18 Years Application Form

Which year are you applying for?
Student's First Name *
Student's Last Name *
First Line of Address *
Second Line of Address *
City *
Postcode *
Email *
Mobile Phone *
Leicester College ID number *
Name of Course Applied For *
Course Level *
Your Age on 31 August 2024 *
Date of Birth *
Are You
Marital Status
Tell us which countries you have lived in for the past three years *
Date of entry to UK (if applicable)
Are you an Asylum Seeker? *
Are you a Refugee? *
Did you receive free school meals in 2023/24? *
Do you live in care or are you a care leaver?
Are you in receipt of Income Support or ESA, AND Disability Living Allowance or PIP? You will need to provide proof of this.
Please list the full names of all the people who live in your household at the same address as you, their relationship to you and their age if under 18. *
If you live alone, please put in n/a
Please tell us why you are applying for support. *
Please select from the list here what you need help with. Funding is limited. If you cancel or withdraw from your course bus passes and kit will need to be returned. *
Travel to and from college *
IMPORTANT MESSAGE REGARDING TRAVEL. For all new 16-18 Students you must live 3 miles from Home to Campus to qualify for Travel Assistance. For returning Students, we will offer one year Transitional Protection therefore if you qualified for Travel Assistance in 23/24 and your circumstances have remained the same, we will assist you. From 25/26 all 16-18 year olds will need to live a minimum of 3 miles from Home to Campus to qualify for Travel Assistance.
Do you intend to buy your own kit before enrolment? If so, please keep your receipts to claim this money back

I understand that the information provided in this form is necessary for Leicester College to carry out its role in providing further education and I give my consent to the College to process this data for the purposes of managing my application for learner support.

Please check this box to indicate that you agree *

I understand that any assistance provided is subject to enrolling on a course of study and maintaining satisfactory levels of attendance and progression, and agree that consultation may take place with my tutor.

Please check this box to indicate that you agree *

I have read the Privacy Notice for Students who access support and I understand that the information that I provide will be used in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the UK Data Protection legislation. https://leicestercollege.ac.uk/about-us/corporate-information/data-protection/all-privacy-notices

Please check this box to indicate that you agree *

Income Evidence Required:

Please select one that applies to you *
Please select one
Student Signature (type in your full name) *
Parent/Carer Signature (type in the full name) *