Information for Parents and Carers
We provide clear information and support to keep parents and carers informed about their child's education and progress at Leicester College.
- Information for Parents and Carers
“You can be assured, as a parent or carer, that we have the best interests of all our students at the heart of everything that we do. We promote high aspirations and high expectations for all our students and staff. We know that you will want your child’s time at College to be enjoyable and successful. It is an exciting time but it can also be an apprehensive time. I hope that the information below will help you understand how the College works and to help us provide the very best opportunities.”
Verity Hancock, Principal and CEO

At Leicester College our mission is clear.
Developing skills, supporting businesses, engaging communities, changing lives.
This is supported through our shared values of
We’re delighted that your child has chosen to study with us. We’ll be working together in a partnership. We will support their studies. We will also provide excellent education, skills, and training. They will meet the needs of individuals, businesses, and local communities. How we work together is outlined in our student pledge.
Student Pledge
We have a pledge which sets out what we will do for our students and what we expect from our students.
All students who are 16-18 will be enrolled on a study programme. Along with their studies, they will also do other activities. These include:
English and maths development. They will work towards a GCSE or functional skills qualification if they haven't got a grade 4 or above in these subjects.
Work or industry placements, or work preparation activities.
Other enrichment and enhancement activities, such as talks from industry professionals.
All this helps to prepare our students for further education, training, or work.
All students will complete an induction. They will then learn to use the Learning Hubs and the virtual learning environment.
We will keep in touch with you throughout the year. We will give you a chance to discuss your child's progress. These include:
A welcome event will be held during the first term of the academic year. This is a chance for parents and carers to explore the College, meet staff, and learn about our expectations for students.
A progress event will occur during the year. You can discuss your child's progress then. If they are under the age of 18, you will also receive a copy of their Interim Progress Review which will highlight their progress.
A progress review for parents and carers will update you on key indicators, such as attendance, progress, and other important factors.
At the end of the academic year most programme areas will hold a celebration or awards evening that you will be invited to attend.
We will contact you if your child is under 18 to keep you up to date with their progress, attendance and behaviour. Very occasionally a young person may ask us to stop this contact. So, expect to hear from us regularly.
Personal Tutor
Every student has a named personal tutor. This is usually a teacher involved in their day-to-day teaching. This tutor is responsible for overseeing all aspect of learning. They are the first port of call for pastoral and welfare matters, as well as monitoring academic progress.
You can contact the tutor if you have any questions about your son or daughter. If you don’t have their contact details, you can email our customer service centre.
Student support
Whether it’s physical or mental health we want to do all that we can to help students to stay healthy and well.
We have qualified counsellors who can work with students if they have mental health difficulties. This service is free, and they can self refer or ask a member of staff to do this for them.
No matter their gender, sexuality or disability students can use our free sexual health service. We provide free condoms, pregnancy tests and sexual health advice (including chlamydia testing). Find out more about sexual health here.
There’s also a range of activities and events that focus on things like eating well, sleep, body image and managing stress.
Help with money
We know that the cost of coming to college can be a worry for some people. There is support available, depending on your circumstance, to help with things like travel costs, equipment, uniforms and childcare.
Tutorials and Personal Development
All students will have both academic and group tutorials at College. Some sessions are one-on-one. We will discuss progress and any issues that may affect their learning and qualifications. This is done through something called an Individual Learning Plan (ILP).
In group sessions, we will provide advice and information. This includes careers, options for what to study next, and study skills. We have fun, challenging sessions. We focus on topics to stretch and develop students and improve their work.
All students get a progress report half way through each year of their programme. This gives an indication of what they have achieved so far and what their predicted outcome will be for the qualification.
Part-time students are still offered this support. But, some will be through their main subject teacher.
Students and staff come from a wide variety of backgrounds and beliefs. This diverse community is a valuable asset. We do not tolerate any form of prejudice or discrimination. We promote equal opportunities. We ensure no one is treated unfavorably due to their gender, race, nationality, disability, age, sexual orientation, or beliefs.
Coming to College regularly and on time is key to success. Of course, there may be occasions when a student cannot come to college. They should tell us about this as soon as possible. If your child hasn’t let us know that they won’t be in college we will text you to let you know.
Reporting absence:
We expect staff and students to respect others and be polite and inclusive to everyone. We do not tolerate any behaviour that may threaten the safety of others. Any concerns should be reported to a member immediately.
The safety and welfare of students is very important to us. We have a safeguarding policy that outlines our commitments.
One important thing that students wear their lanyards and ID badge whenever on campus. That way we know that who is meant to be in our buildings.
CCTV cameras are in operation inside and outside the College for security purposes. Images and sound are being recorded for the purpose of crime prevention and public safety.
We have a thriving Students Union (SU). It lets students join in charity events, fundraisers, and political campaigns.
Our Student Enrichment Team (SET) organises a fantastic calendar of events for students to take part in and enjoy. These include fun trips to places like Harry Potter World and Alton Towers. Also, there are chances to volunteer and learn about other cultures and faiths. Many activities are free or low cost to ensure that as many people as possible can take part.
There’s also a range of sports to get involved with. Students can see what is happening below.
We don’t encourage students to smoke or vape, and this is not permitted on campus. There is support available to help students to stop smoking/vaping.
All students have access to computers and wifi in College. We automatically check, using software, searches and activity on our devices, as well as network space and cookies. Students are not permitted to access chat rooms, games, pornography or other offensive material. They cannot download software.