Supporting students on the path to highly skilled occupations

27 June 2023

White female student sitting at laptop in engineering building

It was estimated that there were around two million professionals employed in tech related roles in the UK in 2022*, making the UK tech ecosystem the third largest in the world. Jobs and careers in computing-related roles are becoming increasingly more popular and require different levels of experience and vocational qualifications.

As such, starting in September 2023, Leicester College will deliver a new two-year advanced course in computing – the Higher Technical Qualification Higher National Diploma (HTQ HND).

Students will be able to choose from two HTQ HND computing courses – software engineering or network engineering.

What is an HTQ?

The HTQ is a high-quality addition to technical training routes, developed by employers and approved by the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education, against employer-led occupational standards.

They are level 4 and 5 qualifications, based on practical, employer-led study programmes that provide the skills that employers say they need. They include some, but not all, higher national diplomas, higher national certificates, foundation degrees and higher education diplomas.

HTQs are an alternative to apprenticeships or degrees and an option for over 18s who have completed A or T Levels, or a BTEC and are looking for a specific technical qualification before entering the workplace or higher education. They are also for those in employment who wish to upskill or retrain.

The first HTQs were launched by the Government in September 2022 and lead to higher-level digital occupations such as network engineer, software developer and data analyst. They offer academic as well as career progression for those wishing to work in computing.

What does Leicester College offer?

There are currently two HTQ HND courses in computing at Leicester College – Computing (Network Engineering) and Computing (Software Engineering), with more HTQ subjects planned over the next year including in Engineering.

The courses are full-time over two years. Year one of the course focuses on developing essential skills while year two expands that knowledge into a workplace context, preparing learners for the reality of working in a professional setting.

The College will work with employers to provide students with the opportunity to learn practical skills through a work placement/work-based environment.

These new HTQ HND computing courses sit between A or T Levels and degrees. They are a great way for people to grow their vocational skills and employers value the qualification as it means they can hire people with exactly the rights skills for their industry or upskill their existing workforce.

The future of HTQs nationally

HTQ courses are currently being taught in a variety of digital occupations. By 2025, they will be available across a wide range of sectors.

From September 2023, students will also be able to take HTQs in the following sectors:

· construction

· health and science

From September 2024, students will also be able to take HTQs in the following sectors:

· business and administration

· education and childcare

· engineering and manufacturing

· legal, finance and accounting

From September 2025, students will also be able to take HTQs in the following sectors:

· agriculture, environmental and animal care

· catering and hospitality

· creative and design

· care services

· protective services

· sales, marketing and procurement

Find out more about the HTQ HND courses in Computing (Software Engineering) and Computing (Network Engineering)

* CompTIA’s State of the Tech Workforce 2022 Report
