Study tips and advice to help you through your exam revision
23 May 2019

Study tips and advice to help you through your exam revision!
Getting ready for exams can take lots of hard work and preparation including putting together a timetable that works around your other commitments. Remember to check out youtube tutorials to get some useful hints and tips, taking regular breaks and breaking subjects down into bitesize chunks. Making sure that you take time to revise, but don’t revise late at night, as sleep is very important if you’re not a night owl – don’t work till dawn, sleep is for the strong - not for the weak!
However everyone works differently – make sure your revision space works for you, make sure that you are comfortable, focused and relaxed. If you are struggling to get started, don’t be afraid to ask for help – this could be at home or in college, your tutor, learning coach and mentors can offer you support. Make use of the revision support that is being offered, remember revising for exams can be very stressful so keep healthy and eat well.
Remember setting realistic study goals – make them achievable, ensure that you sync study timetables with your friends, mix it up, make sure your favourite subjects are mixed with those you find harder – then it won’t always seem quite so tough. The internet is your friend, use it wisely! Try not to copy off the web! Be creative and resourceful.
If you wish you can write a study blog, this may inspire others with what is working for you. Always keep away from tech especially phones! Hand it to your mum, or hide it under your bed. To help keep you motivated create a power playlist - your soundtrack to revision. Always remember the end goal. Keep it in mind and work towards that. Try to reward yourself for all your hard work. Ensure that you set an exam day routine, try and get a good night’s sleep before an exam, so that you are calm, focused and prepared before your exams.
Top Tips
Practise! Practise! Practise! Keep quizzing yourself or ask someone to help you, perhaps record your answers on your smartphone?
Buddy up why not do a round-up session with a friend where you can test each other.
Where’s your calm place? Where it feels too much to take a break and do something you enjoy.
Break it up! You don’t always need to study at your desk. If it’s a beautiful day – grab a blanket and your books, and head to Abbey Park, Beacon Hill or Bradgate Park.
Don’t struggle – ask for help, even if you join a WhatsApp group with friends to offer you support!
Keep a countdown to exams, and timetable each day,
Remember the summer is waiting for you – this is the longest holiday you will have had since you were under four.
Think about your support network – there are lots of people sending you positive vibes, you can also download apps that will keep you motivated, such as Gojimo, iMindMap and, Quizlet and Memrise