The PJEA Experience, a once in a lifetime opportunity!
19 July 2017

My name is Kiran Kaur I am 18 years old. I am currently in my second year at the Peter Jones enterprise academy at Leicester College, but boy I can tell you guys about the range of experience and opportunities that PJEA experience has offered for me. Lastly I would like to give some advice that would greatly benefit to current and future students of the Peter Jones enterprise academy. I hope you enjoy reading this!
1) Expect a huge increase in confidence if you haven’t got much confidence before the academy. I personally was scared about presenting in front of people that I did not know. Meeting people that I did not know allowed me to gain relevant network connections to help me gain recommendations and the different kinds of things to consider when thinking and planning your business idea. However at the academy I was constantly being thrown out of my comfort zone, this allowed me to comfortable with being uncomfortable!
2) PJEA has allowed me to enter and go into places that I could have never imagined! For example I got into a final of a negotiation competition at Boots headquarters in Nottingham now that was huge! This consisted of the top six PJEA academies within the competition. The level of dedication and focus that went into that competition was intense but then we were rewarded for our efforts! Within the academy there is also a varied amount of trips that are exciting and will most definitely help budding aspiring entrepreneurs! For example there was a trip called “Entrepreneur live” based in Birmingham. Basically there were a range of entrepreneurs and they had presented their ideas and how they formed into developing them over a period of time, which was very interesting.
3) The best thing that I love personally about the Peter Jones Enterprise academy is that all of the knowledge that you obtain whether it would be in an assignment or just general knowledge then this will have a direct impact on your own business idea or will help you in terms of your career plans. There is a high level of uniqueness at the academy as you have opportunities to turn theory into practice, rather than reading a traditional textbook and just doing exams. For example when you complete your “pitch for investment” Your directly focus upon your own business idea and its various elements. Including, marketing, financial costs, location.
4) Lastly I am going to say that taking the Peter Jones Enterprise Academy has changed my life! The level of support that the college and PJEA tutors give is inseparable! This course is extremely unique and take huge advantage of it whilst you can! Also watch who you hang around with as this has a huge impact, especially when handing in assignments!
Take care and enjoy your journey!