Goals for 2018 with Leicester College
22 December 2017

Looking Ahead to 2018
As we all prepare to snuggle in for a bit of time off work and some Christmas telly, it's worth thinking about plans and goals for 2018. What do you want to happen next year? Change your job? Find a new hobby and meet people at the same time? Maybe achieve that dream of going to university? Going to college isn't just for kids: at Leicester College, we firmly believe that learning is a lifelong process, and that it's never too late to go for what you really want.
Hobby and Interest Courses
Want to learn how to take professional-quality pictures with a proper camera? Use Photoshop? Or maybe Asian bridal make-up and hair is your bag... check out our wide range of hobby and interest courses, and come January you could be well on the way to discovering your new passion. Whatever your goals, with everything from dance to motor vehicle maintenance covered (and with all courses taught by our expert teaching staff), there's something for you here.
Getting On
Maybe your goals and ambitions mean getting qualifications you can put on your CV. We can also help with that. We offer part-time GCSE or functional skills courses for adults in English and maths, which will open a lot of doors to improved employment opportunities or further study. If you want to go to university but don't have GCSEs or A levels yet, we offer a pre-Access pathway as well as Access courses which could get you ready to apply for university in just one year.
Easier than Ever
If you're aged 19 or over, you could be eligible for an advanced learner loan, which will help you to pay for the costs of your course. Similarly, if you're not working or you're on certain benefits, your course could even be free. Check individual course descriptions for more details. Many courses are also offered on a part-time basis to fit around work, family, and other commitments.
Merry Christmas everyone...and here's to a happy, successful, and fulfilling 2018.