Leicester College to host Young Leaders Prevent Event
8 February 2022

Leicester College and other further education providers in the region are hosting an information event for students to learn more about Prevent, the anti-terrorism strategy, on 9 February 2022.
Prevent is about safeguarding and supporting those vulnerable to radicalisation. Prevent is 1 of the 4 elements of CONTEST, the Government’s counter-terrorism strategy. It aims to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. The Counter-Terrorism and Security Act makes it a legal requirement for schools, universities and colleges to help prevent people being drawn into terrorism and extremism.
In partnership with the Department for Education and Leicester Prevent, Leicester College’s Prevent Young Leaders are staging a Prevent awareness raising event. The Leicester Young Leaders Prevent event is for any student who wants to find out more about Prevent.
The day will include talks from guest speakers who have been affected by terrorism and students who already part of the programme, encouraging others to get involved. The agenda includes talks from:
Figen Murray (Figen lost her son Martyn in the terrorist attack at the Manchester Arena in May 2017)
Ray Douglas (One of the UK’s leading thinkers around working with at risk pupils and young people)
Travis Frain (survivor of the 2017 Westminster Bridge terror attack)
Zoe Butler, Director of Student Services and Marketing from Leicester College said: “This Prevent event is a great opportunity for students to get involved in an important project which can make a real difference to people’s lives, and safeguard communities from terrorism and radicalisation. Students will hear real life examples of the impact of terrorism and learn how they can play a part in keeping others safe, while developing a range of skills during a unique training experience.”
The aim of Leicester Prevent is to empower local communities, including further education colleges, to develop resilience to extremism and have the strength to challenge all forms of extremism when it does arise.
By joining the project, students will have the opportunity to engage with a current and very relevant Government initiative which can stand them in good stead for future career choices and allow them to develop skills around communications, presenting, IT, networking, and community understanding.
Should you wish to attend, the times and locations of the talks are as follows:
Figen Murray - Freemen's Park cohort 10:30am-11:15am in the Granby Suite FPA 2.18.
Nicola Benyahia - Abbey Park cohort 11:45am-12:30pm 2.02 C Block.
Travis Frain - St Margaret's Campus cohort 2:00pm-2:45pm 2.02 C Block.