Leicester College students win the Fox’s Lair title
24 May 2018

The Foxes Lair is run by the Faculty of Business and Law at De Montfort University and is in its 13th year. It allows students to pitch their business ideas to judges from a variety of commercial sectors, to be in with the chance of winning a cash prize.
The overall winners of this year’s competition were ‘Glue Case’ who pitched an anti-gravity phone case that can be attached to any hard surface. The students received £1000 to help them set up their venture.
HND Business students, Sulayman Savage, Jelena Rama and Panna Khatun are the brains behind ‘Glue Case’.
Jelena said: “It’s such a good feeling to be recognised for our hard work and it is great to be a winner, not just to take part, but to win!”
Panna said: “This has been an absolutely great opportunity to experience, and it is such a good feeling to be recognised and appreciated for how hard we worked.”
Sulayman said: “I am so happy to have made our lecturer proud, he had so much faith in us and so much enthusiasm about our idea.”
Find out more about the course: https://leicestercollege.ac.uk/course/business-intensive-higher-national-diploma-2019-20-c1401/
Read more on the DMU website: http://www.dmu.ac.uk/about-dmu/news/2018/may/dmu-students-make-their-idea-'stick'-to-scoop-the-fox's-lair-title.aspx