Leicester College encourages conversations around women’s safety

29 March 2021


College staff and students live stream discussion on women’s safety following recent news on the murder of Sarah Everard in London

Staff and students from Leicester College have live streamed a new video call in which female members of staff and students had an open discussion about their experiences of, and thoughts on, women’s safety.

The idea behind the live stream was to encourage staff and students to think about and have conversations about safety from a female perspective. The five participants on the video call discussed experiences of sexual harassment, what women and men can do to help women feel safer, and the importance of talking about the subject and getting support.

The video can be viewed on the College’s YouTube and Facebook pages:
You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ETl8BXgMhY
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leicestercollege/videos/?ref=page_internal

A spokesperson from Leicester College said: “Recent events relating to the tragic murder of Sarah Everard in London and the subsequent news coverage have placed discussions around the safety of women in the national spotlight. We, as a college, believe that it is very important to give female staff and students the opportunity to discuss their experiences as women, offer support and guidance, and ask what we can do to better support our female-presenting students and staff.

“It’s important to the College that our whole community feels safe and it is hoped that encouraging a discussion around women’s safety will lead to additional ideas on how the College can ensure that this continues to be paramount.”
