Leicester College courses lead to local jobs
10 July 2017

Giving you the skills you need to get the jobs you want
At Leicester College, our main purpose is to provide you with the skills you need to take the next step in your career – whether that’s going on to university, or moving into full-time jobs or apprenticeships. Our courses are largely vocational – every year we train hundreds of new plumbers, hairdressers, nursery nurses, dental nurses, and many more who are then able to go into work locally.
How do I know if there are jobs available in my industry?
Leicester College compiles data so we know which areas of employment are experiencing growth and looking to recruit new staff. The list below shows the top 10 job titles experiencing growth in Leicestershire. Employers for all of these job roles will need to hire more staff than they currently do each year in order to meet demand. In some cases, the need for skilled employees is predicted to go up by 15% by the year 2022:
Teaching assistants
care workers/home carers
production managers/manufacturing directors
nursing auxiliaries
nursery nurses
education support assistants
production managers (construction)
business/financial management professionals
chartered and certified accountants.
So what courses can I take at Leicester College to improve my chances of getting job?
All of these jobs can be trained for at Leicester College. For instance, our level 3 Health and Social Care BTEC Extended Diploma is a popular choice for learners who wish to go on to work in the NHS or to apply for a degree in nursing. We also offer plenty of other courses at different levels related to the care sector –some of our learners come in to take a level 1 course with us, and stay with us until they’re at university level.
Our business department offers part-time professional accountancy courses which result in the widely-recognised AAT qualification – ideal if you want to be promoted at work or study accountancy at university. Equally, our construction department offers basic-level courses which are ideal for school leavers or career changers who are looking to learn new skills and progress up the career ladder. You can even study degree-level construction courses with us, which can help you move up into management.
How can I find out more?
To discuss your options for work or study, you can speak to our careers advisers. Not only do they offer a free service open to the public, but our careers advisers are qualified, independent professionals who will explain your options in simple language. You can find them @LCCareersHub on Twitter or Facebook or call in during the week at our Abbey Park campus (no appointment necessary). You can also ring for an appointment on 0116 224 2240.