Success Story: Senika Simon
19 July 2017

Senika, 33 has been studying at Leicester College for the past five years and recently graduated with BA Honours degree in Professional Studies (Creative Industries).
Senika said: “The reason I came back into education was to create a better future for myself and be somebody, I firmly believe in order to do that you need knowledge.”
While studying Senika overcame many personal struggles but refused to let that bring her down instead using life experiences to influence her work and turn negatives into positives.
When she made the decision to attend Leicester College Senika did not have the relevant experience in order to get onto the course she wanted to do, but this did not hold her back, instead she spoke to Nick Ruhl the Programme Lead in Media at Leicester College and arranged tuition in the relevant areas in order to meet the criteria to get on the course the following year. Senika showed sheer grit and determination from the start.
“Nick believed in me and gave me the support I needed to excel professionally and academically. I have an awful lot to thank Nick for as he has really helped me on the journey” recalled Senika.
Doors opened for Senika during a Business Planning module while doing her degree; The aim of the module was to think of a business, create a plan, design marketing literature and a logo and present the idea. This is how LuvinBling Hand Made Jewellery was born.
LuvinBling collect second hand and broken jewellery from charities which Senika then recycles to create new wearable jewellery. It started with two pliers and some broken jewellery.
Senika combined her passion for jewellery design and her new found talent in graphic design to create the brand LuvinBling. Using her business idea Senika entered the Freeth Cartwright solicitors sponsorship awards 2012 and went on to win, providing her with further funding to grow her business and buy the relevant tools to create more jewellery.
While reminiscing Senika said: “I lost my nana not long before doing this module and making jewellery was a skill I learnt from her. I have always been creative from a very young age and liked making products. The project is in remembrance of my nana.”
The business has gone from strength to strength with Senika holding workshops and pop up shops in the Highcross Shopping Centre in Leicester and her aim is to get the brand placed in top high street stores across the UK and get influential people on board to help promote recycling and upcycling jewellery by either handcrafting items or using a laser cutter.
Although Senika has had personal battles which will be highlighted in a ‘top secret’ campaign she is currently working on, she has gone on to become the first person in her family to graduate with an honours degree.
Senika has also started to do freelance work as well as working extremely closely with local projects such as Wot Space in Leicester, an organisation that aims to provide space for local enterprises, arts and general community use.
The BA Honours degree has opened many doors for Senika including started to do freelance work in Emedia, graphics, video and photography, and she wants to continue to grow in all mediums.
There is so much more to come from Senika and she is currently in talks to have some of her work commissioned as part of a campaign exhibition. So watch this space…

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