Insight into Care: The Carers Centre
20 September 2021

As carers, you play a vital role in the lives of your loved ones and we also know that time for social engagement can be restricted.
The Carers Centre provides many opportunities for carers who are 18 or above to come together via a range of meetup groups, sessions and activities, currently held online.
At the time of writing this blog, there are two weekly Together We Care Groups taking place:
Parent Carers – for parents who care for young people under the age of 25.
Carers of Adults – for any carers responsible for adults.
These groups offer the opportunity for you to share tips with other carers for supporting the person you care for. You can also request speakers or specific training, based on what you feel might be beneficial. Recently, there have been sessions on assertive techniques and stress as well as a sleep management session for parent carers.
The Carers Centre also understands how difficult it is for carers to make time if they are working. Therefore, they have set up a new monthly evening group called:
Working Carers – Together We Care
In addition to these groups, they have a range of activities and sessions taking place throughout the month. Games, quizzes, bingo and “Crafty Carer” sessions are just a few of the exciting activities they have on offer. They also have a range of interesting informative sessions including; Floristry Demonstration and Finding Internal Bliss and External Bloom.
Finally, The Carers Centre have also been running a Project called:
Carers Caring for Carers – Staying Well Together
This project is offers a wide variety of sessions including mindfulness, drama and singing workshops!
To find out more call The Carers Centre on 0116 251 0999.
You will also be able to subscribe to their monthly newsletter informing you of the latest news and activities taking place in the month ahead.