GCSE Results Day 2020 - Leicester College Student Success Stories

20 August 2020


It's not been an easy year for the class of Covid-19 but our students have defied the odds and come out with some amazing results. Whilst we're not on campus to celebrate with them we want to share with you some of our student success stories.

All GCSE results have been sent by email on Thursday 20 August 2020 from 8 am. You will also receive your results in the post in due course.  We have been advised by Association of Colleges (AoC) not to issue any BTEC results, so we will not be sending results to students on Thursday 20 August 2020. Further updates on BTEC first, level 1 and level 2 results and updates from the college here.

At Leicester College we teach students of all ages, therefore, we have adult learners who often come back to college for a second chance, as well as 16-19 year olds who sit their GCSE re-takes.

Leicester College GCSE Success Stories 2019


Miles aged 19

Mile's week keeps getting better and better, after completing his Networking BTEC Extended Diploma level 3 last week, today Miles found out he has been graded 5 in his GCSE English Language retake. Miles has been studying hard to achieve his goal of becoming an apprentice, "I decided very early on that I wanted to do an apprenticeship to repair computers." As Myles wants to become an apprentice he knew that this course had lots of professional benefits, "the course has helped me build my confidence and has allowed me to know the kind of problem that people will come into a shop with when it comes to their technology. The best part of being a Leicester College student is how the teachers there would support you to get the grade you want."


Kathy aged 29


Kathy has passed five GCSEs with us achieving incredible grades which has support her to continue onto our Health Professions Access to Higher Education diploma. Kathy achieved grades 9 in psychology, 8 in sociology, 7 in English, 6 in maths and 5 in biology.

"I really enjoyed the courses. I met some lovely friends along the way and my teachers were so inspirational and supportive. I really enjoyed working with the SET team too, especially Harj, as part of the student council and class rep/super rep team." When asked about her grades, "I'm over the moon, so proud of them." Studying during a pandemic is new to all students across the UK but Kathy found support from Leicester College never stopped, "I had some very supportive group chats and my teachers emailed extra materials."


Take your GCSE’s with us!

Just like our students who, despite their challenges, came back and completed their GCSEs, you can too! As you can see above, “its never too late apply”. Browse our range of courses here.

