GCSE grades celebrated at Leicester College
20 August 2015

There was celebrations at Leicester College this Morning. Among the happy faces was Adam Foster, 30 who came to collect his GCSE Results he was one of the first to get his results in.
He got A in Biology, A in English and B in Maths.
Adam said: “I am totally ecstatic about my GCSE results today as it means I am able to be independent and build a future for myself.”
“I struggled a lot through school as I had to overcome health issues which made it difficult for me to complete my GCSE’s at the time. Since I have been able to get treatment it has motivated me to achieve my dream of going to University.”
“I aim to complete an Access to Science course at Leicester College and hopefully go on to do Biomedical Science at University. The idea of working in a lab working within the Science field really excites me”
Adult learner Samantha Collins, 42 was also celebrating her GCSE results.
She achieved A* in Health and Social Care, B in English, Maths and Biology.
Samantha said: “I left work to come back into education and get my GCSE’s. I have always wanted to be a midwife and with the support of my family it felt the right time to achieve my dream.”
“I am overwhelmed with my GCSE results today but really optimistic about the future, I am hoping to start Access to Nursing and Midwifery at Leicester College to be able to go on to University.”
We caught Lianne Michelle Flint, 30 with her two adorable boys collecting her results. She was surprised at achieving straight A’s – A in Psychology, Maths, Biology and English and A* in Health and Social Care.
Lianne said: “I left school to have my children and found myself working in jobs I was not enjoying, this made me take the step to come back into education and aim to establish a career I enjoy in order to have a better future for my family.”
“I am really shocked and relieved by my results I did not expect to do so well but now so many doors have opened for me which I aim to explore, I hope to do an Access to Higher Education course and move on to University to study Midwifery or Nursing.”
Heerangi Nareshchandra, 19 who came to England from Portugal came over to discuss her achievements and said: “I decided I wanted to become a Radiographer and in order to achieve this it was important for me to get my GCSE’s so I can go on to University.”
“My results have totally taken me by surprise and I can’t wait to start my Access to Science course.”
Heerangi achieved A* in Psychology and Maths, A in English and B in Biology.
Lastly we spoke to Amy Hillier, 25 who came in with her husband was joyous to achieve A in Psychology,
Sociology and English, B in Biology and C in Maths.
Amy said: “May aim is to get a good job in order to provide for my kids and family. I have always had a keen interest in Midwifery so getting my GCSE’s means I will be able to move on to the next step to achieving this dream. It has made me optimistic about my future.”