Don't have a scary CV: Some quick tips to improve yours
31 October 2017

How to dress up your CV this Halloween
If you’re in the middle of job hunting and feel like you’re not getting anywhere, improving your CV is a good place to start.
Making the most of what you have
It’s poor form (and could land you in trouble) if you tell an outright lie on your CV. But you can “spin” the experience you have to make it more relevant to the job you’re applying for.
Not worked for a while? No problem. Maybe you’ve volunteered for a charity or for a fundraiser; helped out at your children’s school; or gained skills in your own time. Any element of responsibility you’ve taken on should be played up.
Think about the skills you have that could make you stand out. Have you got an interesting or unusual hobby? Speak any foreign languages? Do you hold any industry-related qualifications? Using words such as “organised”, “developed” and “achieved”, you can make yourself sound more desirable to an employer.
Any job, study or work experience you have had in the past can be used as evidence of skills you have and abilities you’ve developed.
Some quick CV tips
Edit your CV for every job you apply for – read the job description and tailor what you have accordingly
Keep it brief – two pages of A4 as a maximum
Keep it updated with your most recent achievements
Include all your basic work and education information and contact details
Choose a clear, professional format (there are lots of free downloadable CV templates online).
Get some work-ready skills for your CV with free courses
At Leicester College, we help hundreds of people each year to get back into work or improve their job prospects. Our distance learning courses (completed in your own time, at home) cover a variety of skills – everything from mental health awareness to business administration – any many are low priced, or free.
If you want more hands-on help, our newly relaunched City Skills Centre (CSC) offers courses with an employment focus. Courses at the CSC are often free if you receive certain kinds of benefit, and training is available in the following areas:
Maths and English
ESOL (learning English as a foreign language)
Skills for work (ie CV writing, industry qualifications)
Skills for life
CISCO Academy (IT/computing)
CILEx (legal training)
Institute of Leadership and Management.
To find out more about our courses for work, call us on 0116 224 2240, email, or see our latest course guides online.