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Intermediate IT Certificate level 1
Intermediate IT Certificate level 1
Course Overview
Course Code
Start Date
Study Hours
Part Time
1 week
City Skills Centre
Level M
Particularly suitable if you are returning to work after a period of unemployment and wish to improve your IT knowledge, a skill that all employers value. This classroom-based, usually delivered over 5 days which is offered year-round. This accredited qualification is suitable for anyone (19+) wishing to improve their knowledge and understanding of a range of commonly used business computer programmes. You will be working with Microsoft Office using the major applications: Word, Excel, and Powerpoint to entry 3 level. You should be committed to attending 9am-4pm daily for the duration of the course, however, if this is difficult, please discuss this with your tutor.
During this course, you will take part in a variety of different computer-based learning activities and will be able to understand how to: Word Processing Software 1) Input text and edit word processing documents 2) Structure information within word processing documents 3) Use word processing software tools to format and present documents Presentation Software 1) Use information to create presentation slides 2) Use the presentation software tools 3) Prepare slides for a presentation Spreadsheet Software 1) You will be able to enter, edit, store and retrieve numerical and other information using spreadsheets 2) Learn how to use appropriate formulas and tools to summarise and display spreadsheet information 3) Learn how to use appropriate tools and techniques to present spreadsheet information effectively.
This is an Entry level 3 course and although there are no formal entry requirements, a reasonable level of literacy and basic ICT is expected i.e. you can write and speak to make yourself understood. It is also useful to be able to use a keyboard and mouse independently.
You will complete a variety of short practical and written tasks that will be formally assessed by your tutor to create a portfolio of evidence.
Apply online via the College website. You will be contacted to attend an interview if required, or you will be sent a conditional offer according to the entry requirements of the course. You will then be invited in to enrol for your chosen course. For applications via JCP, please let your Work Coach know. Subject to individual eligibility and type of benefit, the vast majority of courses are FREE to people in receipt of an employment-related benefit JSA, Universal Credit or ESA (Employment and Support Allowance). Evidence of benefits will be required on the application.
Course Overview
Course Code
Start Date
Study Hours
Part Time
1 week
City Skills Centre
Level M