Max Ford

Max Ford studied an Access to Higher Education in Humanities diploma that will enable him to go to university and eventually get into teaching.

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image of a blue figure silhouette to convey there is not picture for the student

Before returning to education in 2021, 26-year-old Max was working as a warehouse operative. With time to think during lockdown, Max realised that he had a desire to teach and that he wanted to pursue higher education.

Without the traditional qualifications to get into university, Max decided that Leicester College’s Access to Higher Education course would be perfect for him and give him the qualification that he needed within a year.

He chose the humanities access course as he wants to do an English literature degree.

During the course, Max has learnt more than just the course content. He says: “The course has improved my time management skills and ability to work under pressure. Once I’ve completed it, I shall be able to continue with my education at university level.”

Max plans to attend Brighton University to study English literature and gain a teaching qualification. 

He commented: “Studying and learning new material enables individuals to broaden their horizons, learn more about the world and approach subjects from different angles. 

“The Access to Higher Education course manages to cover a variety of topics within a short time frame, which keeps students interested in the course.”  

When asked if he would recommend Leicester College, Max said: “I would thoroughly recommend Leicester College to students as there is a great deal of support from teachers and the course effectively prepares students for university.”

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